With three interpretive trails of varying difficulty, exhibits in the visitor center, a "thundering waterfall" and a high bridge with unforgettable views, Box CaƱon Falls in Ouray, Colorado has something for most everyone! The park is located where Canyon Creek narrows causing the water to fall with amazing force into a gorge which feeds the Uncompahgre River.
The Wordy Explorers
Social Media Description
We saw the sign for Box Canon Falls and I immediately remembered a long time friend suggesting that we visit if we were ever in Ouray. So glad for the recommendation and happy that we paid a visit!
Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion. - Lorraine Anderson
#WordyExplorers #colorado #ouray #BoxCanyonFalls #waterfall #waterfalls #nature #CanyonCreek #UncompahgreRiver #bridge #hike #hiking #OptOutdoors #OptOutside #HikingTrails #camping #RVing #goRVing #glamping #gorge #canyon