How many of the former US presidents can you recognize?
Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to complete the entire City of Presidents self-guided walking
tour in Rapid City. We were able to find over half of the bronze statues depicting our country's past
presidents. Just as with all people, I find that some presidents have very distinctive features and others
do not!
Fun fact: All but one of the statues are life-size replicas. The statue of William Henry Harrison is a
"lighter version" as it was determined that creating a full-size bronze replica would be too expensive!
How many of these 10 presidents can you name by looking at their statues?
#WordyExplorers #SouthDakota #Black Hills #NorthernBlackHills #RapidCity #RapidCitySouthDakota
#RapidCitySD #CityOfPresidents #bronze #BronzeSculpture #BronzeStatues #statue #statues
#sculpture #sculptures #president #presidents #USPresidents #USPresident #history #UShistory
#AmericanHistory #NameGame #NameGames #WalkingTour #WalkingTours #OptOutdoors #OptOutside
#TravelBlog #TravelBlogger
Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to complete the entire City of Presidents self-guided walking tour in Rapid City. We were able to find over half of the bronze statues depicting our country's past presidents. Just as with all people, I find that some presidents have very distinctive features and others do not!
Fun fact: All but one of the statues are life-size replicas. The statue of William Henry Harrison is a "lighter version" as it was determined that creating a full-size bronze replica would be too expensive!
How many of these 10 presidents can you name by looking at their statues?
#WordyExplorers #SouthDakota #Black Hills #NorthernBlackHills #RapidCity #RapidCitySouthDakota #RapidCitySD #CityOfPresidents #bronze #BronzeSculpture #BronzeStatues #statue #statues #sculpture #sculptures #president #presidents #USPresidents #USPresident #history #UShistory #AmericanHistory #NameGame #NameGames #WalkingTour #WalkingTours #OptOutdoors #OptOutside #TravelBlog #TravelBlogger