While swimming at Isla Catalina in the Dominican Republic, we spotted this awesome school of fish. They looked so calm and peaceful as they swam by. Not wanting to miss out on today's lesson, I joined the class. It was truly magical to swim along with the entire school for quite a long distance with my camera's video mode turned on!
The Wordy Explorers
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Do you enjoy wearing a mask?
Although we are not near as fond of wearing the facial coverings that have become so popular in 2020, we definitely don't mind wearing snorkels with a mask! We've been quite lucky at spotting some awesome underwater life with our masks when traveling around the world. We love the rare times when there are large schools of fish surrounding us - like this one in the Dominican Republic.
#Where is your favorite place to snorkel (or dive)?
Although we are not near as fond of wearing the facial coverings that have become so popular in 2020, we definitely don't mind wearing snorkels with a mask! We've been quite lucky at spotting some awesome underwater life with our masks when traveling around the world. We love the rare times when there are large schools of fish surrounding us - like this one in the Dominican Republic.
#Where is your favorite place to snorkel (or dive)?
#snorkeling #swimming #IslaCatalina #PuntaCana #DominicanRepublic #SeaLife #WordyExplorers