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--- Curated Recommendation ---

Get a Taste of Ontario on this Road Trip

Get a Taste of Ontario on this Road Trip

Photo By Andre Furtado www.pexels.com
Posted On 01/18/2021 13:20:15

Canada | Ontario | Northern Ontario | Toronto | Sudbury | Sault Ste Marie | Lake Superior | Agawa Canyon | Road Trip | Lodging

Curated Recommendation


I've Been Bit :: A Travel Blog ivebeenbit.ca

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Remarks from The Wordy Explorers

This drive through northern Ontario looks like a good one - especially due to the wide variety of sites to see. #WordyExplorers #canada #ontario #RoadTrip #travel

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Notable Quote

I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine. - Caskie Stinnett

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