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--- Curated Recommendation ---

The Most Bestest Place to Snorkel in Rangiroa

The Most Bestest Place to Snorkel in Rangiroa

Photo By Miles Hardacre www.pexels.com
Posted On 03/08/2021 15:36:00

French Polynesia | Rangiroa | Motu Nui Nui | Tiputa Pass | Snorkeling | Near Tahiti | Aquarium | Getting There | Lodging | Dining

Curated Recommendation


Snorkeling Report www.snorkeling-report.com

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Remarks from The Wordy Explorers

We too visited The Aquarium on Rangiroa while cruising in the French Polynesian Islands - truly amazing! #snorkeling #FrenchPolynesia #tahiti #rangiroa #WordyExplorers

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Notable Quote

A ship in a harbor is safe, but it not what ships are built for. - John A. Shedd

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