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--- Curated Recommendation ---

Super Easy and Awesome Tasting InstaPot Spaghetti

Super Easy and Awesome Tasting InstaPot Spaghetti

Photo By Dana Tentis www.pexels.com
Posted On 09/19/2020 13:01:44

InstaPot | Pressure Cooker | Camping Recipes | RV Recipes | Spaghetti | Easy Dinner |

Curated Recommendation


Kitchn www.thekitchn.com

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Remarks from The Wordy Explorers

Check out this quick and easy recipe for Spaghetti in the InsatPot - perfect for home or camping - We tried it and loved it! #WordyExplorers #goRVing #camping #recipes #InstaPot

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Notable Quote

I've been camping and stuff, but if you left me in the woods I'd probably just curl up and cry until someone found me. - Norman Reedus

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