Has a book ever inspired you to find unique destinations?
Many many years ago, I read "The Bridges of Madison County". I had never seen a covered bridge before
reading the book, but I now search for them near almost every destination we travel to.
We spent our morning on a search for what we have now decided is the nonexistent Creek Falls. We had
what we thought were some good and very detailed directions to get to a path to hike to the waterfall.
We approached the area in three different ways and never could find the path. Fortunately, once we gave
up on that quest, we were able to find Bells Mills Covered Bridge!
What sites have you added to your "I want to see list" because of a book?
#WordyExplorers #NorthHuntingdon #pittsburgh #PittsburghPA #BellsMills #CoveredBridge
#CoveredBridges #BridgePhotography #RoadTrip #RoadLessTraveled #RoadsideAmerica #roadside
RoadsideAttraction #TravelTheUSA #ExploreAmerica
Many many years ago, I read "The Bridges of Madison County". I had never seen a covered bridge before reading the book, but I now search for them near almost every destination we travel to.
We spent our morning on a search for what we have now decided is the nonexistent Creek Falls. We had what we thought were some good and very detailed directions to get to a path to hike to the waterfall. We approached the area in three different ways and never could find the path. Fortunately, once we gave up on that quest, we were able to find Bells Mills Covered Bridge!
What sites have you added to your "I want to see list" because of a book?
#WordyExplorers #NorthHuntingdon #pittsburgh #PittsburghPA #BellsMills #CoveredBridge #CoveredBridges #BridgePhotography #RoadTrip #RoadLessTraveled #RoadsideAmerica #roadside RoadsideAttraction #TravelTheUSA #ExploreAmerica