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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

French Toast: Perfect Way to Start a Day

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 08/20/2022 10:05:20

Texas | El Campo | Lost Lagoon RV Resort | Breakfast | French Toast | RV Resorts | Camping | RVing | Favorite RV Parks

French Toast: Perfect Way to Start a Day


You've likely heard the expression, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day". For some reason, it's more fun to cook breakfast while traveling in an RV than it is at home. If you've got a griddle plus some stale bread, eggs, milk, cinnamon and vanilla, you've got all you need to make French Toast. Syrup, berries and whipped cream will top your breakfast off perfectly!

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

What is your favorite breakfast entree?

Although either migas or breakfast tacos top my list, I do love French Toast. We rarely make it at home, but it's a regular menu item when we are traveling in our RV.

Are you a breakfast eater?

(After being home for a short time, we couldn't stand the heat. Scott said we need a lazy river, so I googled "lazy river RV parks in Central Texas". At the top of my search list and less than three hours from home was Lost Lagoon RV Resort. Can't wait to spend a week cooling off here!)

#WordyExplorers #texas #ElCampo #CentralTexas #LostLagoon #LostLagoonRVResort #goRVing #RVresort #RVresorts #TexasCamping #TexasGlamping #OptOutdoors #OptOutside #breakfast #FrenchToast #LazyRiver #SummerFun #TexasTravel #TravelTexas

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Notable Quote

Camping is nature's way of promoting the motel business. - Dave Barry

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