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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

So Many Unique Rock Formations on the Ledges Loop

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 07/30/2021 09:27:41

Ohio | Cleveland | Akron | Cuyahoga Valley National Park | The Ledges | Hiking | Trails | The Ledges Overlook | Rock Formations

So Many Unique Rock Formations on the Ledges Loop


The 1.8 mile hike circling the Ledges in Cuyahoga Valley National Park is one of the favorites of many visitors. The loop trail is perfect for viewing the unique rock formations found in the area. While there is an overlook that can be accessed without a hike, you miss out on so many "ledges". If you've got it in you, the hike is worth the effort! (Plus, you can shorten it on several turn-offs if you want to reduce your hiking distance.)

     The Wordy Explorers

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Do you like unique rock formations?

Scott started wearing a new leg brace that allows him a little more flexibility. He still won't be able to fully bend his leg for a while, but at least he no longer has to keep it straight! Although he's been using this brace for a couple of days, we still avoided long walks or hikes.

Yesterday, he decided he was ready to try a hike - so we headed to "The Ledges" in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. He didn't venture into any off-trail areas where he might have needed to squat or take big steps up or down. The end result of the day was over 10,000 steps for the first time in a long time!

What's your favorite thing to see while hiking?

#WordyExplorers #ohio #akron #cleveland #CuyahogaValley #TheLedges #hiking #HikingAdventures #HikingTrails #HikingTrail #rocks #RockFormations #RockFormation #rocks

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Notable Quote

The stars were better company anyway. They were very beautiful, and they almost never snored. - David Eddings

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