Do you like unique rock formations?
Scott started wearing a new leg brace that allows him a little more flexibility. He still won't be able to fully
bend his leg for a while, but at least he no longer has to keep it straight! Although he's been using this
brace for a couple of days, we still avoided long walks or hikes.
Yesterday, he decided he was ready to try a hike - so we headed to "The Ledges" in Cuyahoga Valley
National Park. He didn't venture into any off-trail areas where he might have needed to squat or take big
steps up or down. The end result of the day was over 10,000 steps for the first time in a long time!
What's your favorite thing to see while hiking?
#WordyExplorers #ohio #akron #cleveland #CuyahogaValley #TheLedges #hiking #HikingAdventures
#HikingTrails #HikingTrail #rocks #RockFormations #RockFormation #rocks
Scott started wearing a new leg brace that allows him a little more flexibility. He still won't be able to fully bend his leg for a while, but at least he no longer has to keep it straight! Although he's been using this brace for a couple of days, we still avoided long walks or hikes.
Yesterday, he decided he was ready to try a hike - so we headed to "The Ledges" in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. He didn't venture into any off-trail areas where he might have needed to squat or take big steps up or down. The end result of the day was over 10,000 steps for the first time in a long time!
What's your favorite thing to see while hiking?
#WordyExplorers #ohio #akron #cleveland #CuyahogaValley #TheLedges #hiking #HikingAdventures #HikingTrails #HikingTrail #rocks #RockFormations #RockFormation #rocks