Are you a wildlife lover?
During the time that we spent exploring Badlands National Park, some of the most exciting sites (for
some of us, at least), were the wildlife that we encountered. The Sage Creek Wilderness (aka Badlands
Wilderness) was where we saw bison, prairie dogs and bighorn sheep (we even saw a baby bighorn). Our
return down the one way gravel road was slower than our outbound drive due to a bison jam!
When it comes to the wilderness, which wild animals excite you the most?
#WordyExplorers #BadlandsNationalPark #badlands #SageCreekWilderness #BadlandsWilderness
#wilderness #bison #BisonJam #PrairieDogs #bighorn #BighornSheep #WildAnimal #wildlife
During the time that we spent exploring Badlands National Park, some of the most exciting sites (for some of us, at least), were the wildlife that we encountered. The Sage Creek Wilderness (aka Badlands Wilderness) was where we saw bison, prairie dogs and bighorn sheep (we even saw a baby bighorn). Our return down the one way gravel road was slower than our outbound drive due to a bison jam!
When it comes to the wilderness, which wild animals excite you the most?
#WordyExplorers #BadlandsNationalPark #badlands #SageCreekWilderness #BadlandsWilderness #wilderness #bison #BisonJam #PrairieDogs #bighorn #BighornSheep #WildAnimal #wildlife #DriveSlowly