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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Have a Blast Reliving History in the Steel City

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 07/22/2021 09:09:09

Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | Steel City | Carrie Blast Furnaces | National Historic Landmark | Industrial Tour | Guided Tour | Steel Industry | History

Have a Blast Reliving History in the Steel City


Built in 1884, the Carrie Blast Furnaces produced up to 1,250 tons of steel each day for nearly 100 years. Although the plant looks quite different today than in the past, touring the remains of the National Historic Landmark is truly a blast from the steel city's past. It is fascinating to learn about the plant's operations as well as to hear stories as they were told by former employees.

     The Wordy Explorers

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Have you ever taken a tour of an industrial plant?

Knowing that Pittsburgh is often referred to as the "steel city", it just made sense to tour a steel plant. Dressed for the rain and wearing required hard hats, we spent about two hours exploring the grounds of Carrie Blast Furnaces. Our guide did a fantastic job explaining the operations process of the 20th century plant. I found the stories relayed from former workers to be very intriguing. Seeing and learning about the more recent art that adorns the property (some with permission and some without) was also extremely interesting.

What types of industrial plants have you toured (or would you like to tour)?

#WordyExplorers #pittsburgh #SteelCity #steel #CarrieFurnace #industrial #history #historic #HistoricPreservation #HistoricPlaces #HistoricLandmark #landmark #NationalHistoricLandmark #RoadTrip

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Notable Quote

Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by. - Robert Frost

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