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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Dodge City Still Offers a Chance to Experience the Old West

avatar   Scott

Posted On 11/22/2020 09:04:16

Dodge City | Kansas | Get Outta Dodge | Get The Heck Into Dodge | Capitan | Cattle Trails | Chisholm Trail | Railroad | Wild West | Old West | Bison Herds | Cow Town

Dodge City Still Offers a Chance to Experience the Old West


Located at the intersection near 2nd Ave. and Wyatt Earp Blvd., you can't miss the longhorn statue known as "El Capitan". For about 10 years starting in 1875, cattle drives were responsible for over 4 million head of cattle traveling the trail from Texas to Dodge City. The statue in the "Queen of the Cowtowns" represents the longhorns who were typically leading the herd.

     The Wordy Explorers

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Have you ever used the saying "Get the heck outta Dodge"?

Did you know that "Get the heck into Dodge" is the slogan used by one of the greatest cow towns of all time? Exploring the old cow town of Dodge City, Kansas was a great history lesson. We learned about the cattle trails, railroads, Indian wars and the huge bison herds that used to roam the prairie in western Kansas.

To memorialize many of these unique historical events, the downtown streets have statues and a walk of fame highlighting many of the characters that passed through the area. One of note is "Capitan", a Texas longhorn on display near the south end of Dodge City's old town area.

What are some of your favorite "western towns"?

#DodgeCity #kansas #DodgeCityKansas #CowTown #OldWest #trains #WalkOfFame #capitan #heroes #villains #gunslingers #WordyExplorers

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Time Camping isn't time spent, it's invested. - Unknown

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