Are you up to date on your RV maintenance?
Being newer (just over three years) RV owners, we are trying to keep up with everything that we
are supposed to do to make sure our RV is always ready to go at a moment's notice. But, we
probably don't know everything that we are supposed to be doing. Like recently, we realized that
we were way behind on greasing our wheels. Fortunately, for the type of wheels that we have, it
turned out to be a do-it-yourself project that I could handle. (See our NEW BLOG POST to read
about our experience!)
What regular maintenance do you do (or have someone else do) on your RV to make sure that it is
always in top working order?
#WordyExplorers #TravelTrailer #RVmaintenance #goRVing #RVing #RVlife #GreasingWheels
#LubingWheels #DIY
Being newer (just over three years) RV owners, we are trying to keep up with everything that we are supposed to do to make sure our RV is always ready to go at a moment's notice. But, we probably don't know everything that we are supposed to be doing. Like recently, we realized that we were way behind on greasing our wheels. Fortunately, for the type of wheels that we have, it turned out to be a do-it-yourself project that I could handle. (See our NEW BLOG POST to read about our experience!)
What regular maintenance do you do (or have someone else do) on your RV to make sure that it is always in top working order?
#WordyExplorers #TravelTrailer #RVmaintenance #goRVing #RVing #RVlife #GreasingWheels #LubingWheels #DIY