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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Panoramic Views Of VanCity from Vancouver Lookout

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 07/14/2023 10:11:45

Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | Downtown | Harbour Centre | Vancouver Lookout | Panoramic Views | Skyline | Self-Guided Tour | Gastown | Northshore | Stanley Park

Panoramic Views Of VanCity from Vancouver Lookout


What started as the tallest building in Vancouver in 1977 is now the sixth tallest - but still the home of an awesome city overlook. Views of the city actually start during the elevator ride up and continue once inside the Lookout at Harbour Centre. Upon reaching the lookout level (there's a restaurant one floor higher), wander all the way around "the circle" for a 360 degree view while either listening to the self-guided audio tour on your mobile device or reading the information panels along your journey. In addition to downtown, you'll have views of Gastown, the Northshore mountains, the port area, Stanley Park and so much more!

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

What city overlooks have you recommended to others?

We loved riding up to the top of Harbour Centre for the views from the @VancouverLookout. It was so much fun to recognize some of the sights that we had already seen during our time in the city. We could easily pick out the cruise port where we started our visit, the flatiron building, Rogers Arena (just a couple blocks from our hotel) plus some of the sights that we still had plans to see.

Fun fact: It was Neil Armstrong, the American astronaut and first man on the moon, who "opened" Vancouver Lookout in 1977.

Do you have a favorite city overlook?

#WordyExplorers #canada #BritishColumbia #bc #vancouver #VancouverBC #VancouverCanada #HarbourCentre #VancouverLookout #CityView #360DegreeView #360DegreeViews #panorama #panoramic #skyline #lookout #ExploreBC #ExploreVancouver #SeeItAllFromHere

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Notable Quote

Don't listen to what they say. Go see. - Unknown

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