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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Spreading Joy Throughout Panama City Beach

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 02/01/2022 10:29:38

Florida | Panama City Beach | PCB | Shells | Rocks | Painted Shells | Painted Rocks | Keep or Hide | Spreading Joy

Spreading Joy Throughout Panama City Beach


A local group from Panama City Beach has been painting shells and rocks. Once painted, they sprinkle them around the city in an effort to spread sunshine and joy. The group encourages those who find one to either keep it or re-hide it to bring joy to someone else. Check out the "PCB Shells & Rocks" Facebook page if you're in the area - you may be able to join them in a monthly painting party.

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

What "hide or keep" artwork have you seen?

In mid-2020, we had a "rock fairy" in our neighborhood. She would paint rocks with beautiful designs and hide them around the public areas and sometimes also by people's homes. We loved going on daily walks to see what new rocks we could find and which rocks were taken or moved. The rocks always put a smile on our faces!

While walking in Panama City Beach, Florida, we noticed this shell. The inside of the shell had a sticker that said "Facebook: PCB Shells & Rocks, Post a pic! Keep or re-hide". After going to the Facebook page, we learned that they painted 120 shells and rocks to place around the city. What a great way to brighten people's day!

If you found a "hide or keep" item, what would you do?

#WordyExplorers #florida #PanamaCityBeach #shells #rocks #PaintedShells #PaintedShell #PaintedRock #PaintedRocks #PaintedRocksOfInstagram #YouAreLoved #smile #SmileMore #love #SmileSmileSmile #LoveWins #LoveArt #BrightenSomeonesDay #MakeSomeoneSmile #KeepOrHide

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Notable Quote

The outside is the only place we can truly be inside the world. - Daniel J. Rice

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