Fort Walton Beach | Florida | White Sands | Emerald Green Seas | Awesome Sunsets
Florida's Fort Walton Beach is the home of some very white powdery sand - like the best beach sand
anywhere in the world. Walking along the beach (or just sitting and relaxing with your toes in the sand) is a
great way to spend a day. And, being there at just the right time of day is also perfect for experiencing an
awesome sunset!
The Wordy Explorers
Social Media Description
What's your favorite thing to do at the beach?
There's great food and sites along the beaches in both Fort Walton and Destin. But, there's so much more
to experience - like a perfect Florida sunset!
What do you enjoy most about a day at the beach? #beach #food #volleyball #sunsets #swimming
#GoodTimes #WordyExplorers
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Notable Quote
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. - Izaak Walton
There's great food and sites along the beaches in both Fort Walton and Destin. But, there's so much more to experience - like a perfect Florida sunset!
What do you enjoy most about a day at the beach? #beach #food #volleyball #sunsets #swimming #GoodTimes #WordyExplorers