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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

See the Birthplace of Jesus in the Church of the Nativity

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 01/06/2023 10:36:49

Israel | Port of Ashdod | Palestine | Bethlehem | Holy Land | Church of the Nativity | Birthplace of Christ | Church of St. Catherine

See the Birthplace of Jesus in the Church of the Nativity


Believed to be the oldest and holiest church of the Christian faith, the Church of the Nativity stands in Bethlehem, Palestine. After stooping low to enter through the Door of Humility, visitors can explore the beautiful decor inside. The church is believed to have been built over the cave where Jesus was born. Seeing the Chapel of the Manger typically requires waiting in a long line - after all, that is why most people want to visit the church.

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

Where have you recently had to get on your hands and knees to enter a building?

Entering Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity almost required just that! It is said that the entrance was eventually replaced so that horses and other animals could not enter. (The new lowered door made it much more difficult for looters to enter on horseback.)

Other than to enter a cave, have you ever had to get down on all fours to enter a building?

#WordyExplorers #PortOfAshdod #ashdod #palestine #bethlehem #christian #christianity #ChurchOfNativity #ChurchOfTheNativity #nativity #jesus #JesusChrist #Christ #DoorOfHumility #holy #HolyLand #TravelBlog #TravelCouple

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Notable Quote

The sea finds out everything you did wrong. - Francis Stokes

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