Samoa | Western Samoa | Upolu | Apia | South Pacific | Polynesian | Equator | Tropical Flowers | Blooms
Originally known as Western Samoa, the nation officially changed its name to Samoa in 1997. The capital city of Apia is located on the island of Upolu, one of the two largest islands which make up the country. Because of its location near the equator, the climate is tropical and a popular place for travelers wanting to enjoy the South Pacific. Like other Polynesian nations, a stroll around will allow you to see a variety of colorful blooms during most months of the year.
The Wordy Explorers
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What fun we had exploring during our unexpected port day in Apia, Samoa (Western Samoa). We spent our afternoon strolling the streets of the port city - walking the waterfront, watching employees at the fish market close it down for the day ... and admiring the beautiful tropical flowers all around!
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