Here's One Place You'll Be Happy to Stop for a Red Light
Posted On 12/18/2023 10:50:04
Texas | Brown County | Early | Brownwood | Christmas | Christmas Tree | Annual Events | Annual Lighting of the Christmas Tree
Located in west central Texas, the city of Early is a suburb of Brownwood. Each year in late November, the city hosts an event which includes the lighting of the Christmas Tree. This year's celebration was on November 28th and included performances from local students, photos with Santa and so much more. Throughout most of December, the lighted tree stands tall along with a nativity scene and other decor for everyone to enjoy at the intersection of Early Blvd. and US 84.
The Wordy Explorers
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Our westbound drive between our Austin area home and Winslow, AZ early this month took us through Early, Texas. Fortunately we had to stop for a red light which gave us a chance to snap a photo of the city's Christmas display complete with lights, a tree, Santa and a nativity scene!
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. - Jawaharial Nehru
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