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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Filling Buffet Lunch in Giza: Entertainment and Dessert

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 08/27/2024 10:18:36

Egypt | Cairo | Giza | Valley of the Kings Restaurant | Dining | Lunch | Dinner | Buffet | Grill | Egyptian Buffet | Music | Rolled Ice Cream | Grilled Meat

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A group of live musicians greets you as you step inside the Valley of the Kings Restaurant in Giza. It's a place that's often filled with tourists due to its location (plus it's included in many tour packages). For those unfamiliar with Egyptian food, this is a great restaurant for an introduction. The local Middle Eastern flavors that you'll find on the buffet include a selection of salads, grilled meats, rice, fruits and more. The tourist menu usually does not include drinks ... and if you want to add rolled ice cream for dessert there's an extra charge!

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

Our first lunch in Egypt was included with our all-day tour. Since we usually don't eat lunch, our guide gave us the option of having a late lunch / early dinner, and that's what we chose. It's a good thing because there was so much food. (We even tried rolled ice cream for the first time!)

#WordyExplorers #MiddleEast #egypt #cairo #giza #lunch #buffet #dinner #dining #ValleyOfTheKingsRestaurant #grill #GrilledMeat #EgyptianBuffet #MiddleEasternFare #RolledIceCream #musicians #entertainment #LiveMusic #EmoTours #BucketListTravel

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Notable Quote

Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen. - Benjamin Disraeli

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