We set a very early alarm so that we had time for a quick breakfast before meeting our guide for a crack of dawn game drive. It was the only way to squeeze in one more game drive in Chobe National Park, so it was worth braving the cooler temperatures! Before leaving Botswana, we were able to snap a few more wildlife photos including giraffes, kudus, gray turaco (often called "go-away bird" because that's what people hear them say), impalas, lilac breasted scooters, elephants and a pair of African fish eagles.
#WordyExplorers #kalahari #KalahariDesert #ChobeNationalPark #ChobeNP #chobe #ChobeBakwenaLodge #ChobeBakwena #safari #OnSafari #GameDrive #giraffe #kudu #GrayTuraco #GoAwayBird #impala #LilacBreastedScooter #elephant #AfricanFishEagle #wildlife
#WordyExplorers #kalahari #KalahariDesert #ChobeNationalPark #ChobeNP #chobe #ChobeBakwenaLodge #ChobeBakwena #safari #OnSafari #GameDrive #giraffe #kudu #GrayTuraco #GoAwayBird #impala #LilacBreastedScooter #elephant #AfricanFishEagle #wildlife