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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Admire the Beauty of Bahai Gardens from Above

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 01/15/2023 10:19:40

Israel | Haifa | Mount Carmel | Bahá'í Holy Places and Gardens | Bahia Gardens | UNESCO World Heritage Site | UNESCO | Yefe Nof Street

Admire the Beauty of Bahai Gardens from Above


Bahai Gardens, located high atop Mount Carmel with views of the Mediterranean Sea, is a popular tourist destination in Haifa, Israel. The entrance to Bahá'í Holy Places and Gardens is on Yefe Nof Street, where you'll also find a promenade and overlook with an amazing view of the harbor and gardens. Although Bahai Gardens is open to everyone, it is one of seven holy sites visited by followers of the Bahai faith who go on pilgrimage.

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

Of the gardens that you have visited, which would you say was the most beautiful

We made a brief stop at the promenade along Yefe Nof Street in Haifa on our return to the port from Nazareth and Capernaum. The views of our cruise ship docked at the port and of the Bahai Gardens from above were amazing. If we ever have the chance to return to Haifa, the Bahai Gardens is definitely at the top of my list!

Do you have an all time favorite garden?

#WordyExplorers #mediterranean #MediterraneanCruise #HolyLand #israel #haifa #MountCarmel #BahaiGardens #BahaiGarden #BahaiGardensHaifa #gardens #GardensOfTheWorld #unesco #UNESCOWorldHeritage #YefeNofStreet #overlook

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Notable Quote

The lovely thing about cruising is that planning usually turns out to be of little use. - Dom Degnon

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