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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Iconic Texas: Bluebonnet Field with Horses

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 05/25/2022 10:06:21

Texas | Lorena | Waco | Interstate 35 | IH35 | IH-35 | Horses | Bluebonnets | Field of Bluebonnets | Spring | Wildflowers

Iconic Texas: Bluebonnet Field with Horses


Not far from Waco is a small Texas town known as Lorena. The 3+ square mile city sits both east and west of Interstate 35. When northbound on the highway, there's a field with horses just off the highway on the right. If you time your travels during bluebonnet season, you'll usually find people who have exited the interstate to capture photos of the horses in the bluebonnets!

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

What roadside attraction have you spotted that you wanted to return to?

On our drive from Austin to Dallas, I saw a field where horses were grazing. While that's not unusual in Texas, our timing was perfect as our state flower was also in bloom. We didn't have time to stop on our outbound drive, but made it a point to pull off the highway in Lorena on our return home. Fortunately the bluebonnets and horses were both waiting in the field for us (and lots of others) to stop for photos.

Where have you recently pulled off the road for a quick photo stop?

#WordyExplorers #texas #lorena #waco #LorenaTexas #LorenaTX #WacoTexas #WacoTX #TexasTravel #TravelTexas #bluebonnets #FieldOfBluebonnets #horses #IconicTexas #TexasBluebonnets #TexasBluebonnet #Interstate35 #i35 #IH35

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Notable Quote

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. - Martin Buber

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