What is your favorite entree?
One of the things that we enjoy about sailing with NCL is the variety of restaurants that are included
with their specialty dining package (plus the bonus meals that we get due to our loyalty level). With 11
nights on board, we don't even have enough dinners to eat in every restaurant at least once!
We enjoyed an awesome meal last night at Moderno Churrascaria aboard the Norwegian Dawn. It's
just like any traditional Brazilian steakhouse on land ... and just as filling too!
Are you a meat lover?
#WordyExplorers #ncl #NorwegianDawn #SpecialityDining #SpecialtyRestaurant #moderno
#ModernoChurrascaria #MeatLovers #MeatEaters #carnivore #BrazilianSteakhouse #CruiseCouple #
foodie #foodies #MealTime #DinnerTime
One of the things that we enjoy about sailing with NCL is the variety of restaurants that are included with their specialty dining package (plus the bonus meals that we get due to our loyalty level). With 11 nights on board, we don't even have enough dinners to eat in every restaurant at least once!
We enjoyed an awesome meal last night at Moderno Churrascaria aboard the Norwegian Dawn. It's just like any traditional Brazilian steakhouse on land ... and just as filling too!
Are you a meat lover?
#WordyExplorers #ncl #NorwegianDawn #SpecialityDining #SpecialtyRestaurant #moderno #ModernoChurrascaria #MeatLovers #MeatEaters #carnivore #BrazilianSteakhouse #CruiseCouple # foodie #foodies #MealTime #DinnerTime