Norwegian Cruise Lines | NCL | Norwegian Cruises | Norwegian Dawn | Towel Animal | Cabin Steward | Turn Down Service
The cabin stewards on many cruise lines create animals made from towels to leave in their assigned
cabins during evening turn-down service. Several years ago, it was announced that Norwegian Cruise
Lines would be reducing / eliminating towel animals in an effort to protect the environment. Towel
animals were still being made for passengers aboard the Norwegian Dawn in early 2022.
The Wordy Explorers
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We disembark tomorrow morning and will be heading back home. One thing that I will miss are the
towel animals waiting for us to return to our cabins each evening.
What is one thing that you miss after returning home from being away on vacation?
What is one thing that you miss after returning home from being away on vacation?
#WordyExplorers #NorwegianCruiseLine #NCLDawn #ncl #NorwegianDawn #cruise #cruising #CruiseShip #CruiseCabin #CabinSteward #TowelAnimal #vacation #CruiseCouple #surprise #TurnDownService