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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---
"Boutique" Tented Camp Experience at Nasikia Naona Moru
Posted On 11/15/2023 10:10:41
Tanzania | Njiro | Arusha | Serengeti National Park | Lodging | Nasikia Naona Moru Camp | Tented Camp
With just 11 tented suites, the year-round Nasikia Naona Moru Camp can best be described as a "boutique" tented camp. Each individual suite offers spacious accommodations which include a bed, desk and sitting area plus an en-suite bathroom complete with water closet, sink and shower - even includes hot running water! From greeting to leaving, the onsite staff cater to your every need to ensure your experience is a memorable one!
The Wordy Explorers
Social Media Description
Our first three nights on safari in Tanzania were spent in lodges. We wrapped up our safari adventure with Maasai Wanderings with a total of four nights split among three tented camps. Although we had just one night at Nasikia Naona Moru Camp, it was another positive experience. I can't believe how much we enjoyed our stays in the tented camps!
#WordyExplorers #africa #tanzania #arusha #njiro #SerengetiNationalPark #SerengetiNP #serengeti #safari #SafariLife #SafariFun #GameDrive #MaasaiWanderings #NasikiaNaonaMoruCamp #nasikia #NasikiaCamps #VisitTanzania #ExploreTanzania #TanzaniaUnforgettable #camping #glamping