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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Patriotic View from the Kerrville, Texas Empty Cross

avatar   Scott

Posted On 07/04/2020 08:54:45

United States | Texas | Kerrville | Austin | The Empty Cross | Patriotic Displays | Honoring our Heritage | Flying the Colors

Patriotic View from the Kerrville, Texas Empty Cross


We spent a day visiting some sights within one to two hours of our Austin area home. We had heard about The Empty Cross in Kerrville, Texas so we put it on our list. The entire area surrounding the cross was quite impressive - including this tremendous patriotic view from the hill.

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

Happy Independence Day, America! What plans do you have to celebrate?

The Independence Day of our nation, is a great time to take a moment to think of all the freedoms and opportunities we have. Whether it be a picnic, swimming, watching fireworks or attending a party, it seems that Independence Day is one day where many people spend time outdoors with family or friends. While this year may be a little different, we will still be sporting our red, white and blue colors, flying our flag and being thankful for the life that we are able to live.

How are you spending your day on this birthday of the United States?

#patriotic #AmericanFlag #IndependenceDay #ProudToBeAmerican #texas #kerrville #EmptyCross #WordyExplorers

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Notable Quote

A great way to learn about your country is to leave it. - Henry Rollins

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