Soaking in Views of Giza Pyramids Before They're Memories!
Posted On 09/05/2024 10:19:38
Egypt | Middle East | Cairo | Giza | Giza Plateau | Pyramids | Ancient Temples | Ancient Egypt | Egyptology | History | Ancient History | Travel | Camels
No matter where you are on the Giza Plateau, you'll see visitors snapping photos. It may be a photo of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, a selfie with the pyramids as a backdrop, creative (or silly) shots or photos with the camels and horses all around. Each and every one of the photos that visitors leave with become one way for them to savor the memories of traveling to a unique country like Egypt!
The Wordy Explorers
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Couldn't get enough of the camels by the Giza Pyramids! No matter if they were eating, resting or transporting passengers, I was watching (and taking pictures). This was our last day to soak in these ancient sights, and since we had some time on our own, we just wanted to enjoy every minute!
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