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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Sharp Contrast of Colors: From Blue to White to Black

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 03/09/2025 10:22:49

Spain | Canary Islands | Lanzarote | La Hoya | Salinas de Janubio | Salt Reserve | Salt Flats | Biosphere Reserve | Site of Scientific Interest | Transatlantic

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What was once a thriving operation with upwards of 30 competitors on the island of Lanzarote, there are now only two salt mines currently in operation. Dating back to the late 1800s, the Salinas de Janubio is both the largest and oldest salt flat in the Canary Islands. When driving nearby, you can't miss the contrast of the white salt as compared to the blue waters and black volcanic landscape.

     The Wordy Explorers

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Our one day on Lanzarote was winding down, so we didn't have time for a guided tour, but we did have time for a photo stop near the Salinas de Janubio. Very interesting to see the mounds of white salt near the black sand beach!

Fun fact: Lanzarote's salt is sometimes referred to as "white gold"!

#WordyExplorers #spain #CanaryIslands #lanzarote #LaHoya #SalinasDeJanubio #PlayaDeJanubio #SaltFlat #SaltFlats #SaltMounds #SaltReserve #BiosphereReserve #WhiteGold #DayTrip #DIYLanzarote #LanzaroteDIY #PortDay #PortOfCall #transatlantic #TransatlanticCruise

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Notable Quote

We travel for romance, we travel for architecture, and we travel to be lost. - Ray Bradbury

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