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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Beautiful Birds Buzz About in the Serengeti

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 11/17/2023 10:07:26

Tanzania | Arusha | Mara | Serengeti National Park | Safari | Game Drive | Maasai Wanderings | Birds | Buzzard | Superb Starling | Egyptian Goose | Stork | Vulture | Marabou | Marshall Eagle | Lilac Breasted Laurel | Yellow Billed Stork | Flamingo | Ostrich | Ruppell's Griffon Vulture | Long Tailed Starling | Secretary Bird

Beautiful Birds Buzz About in the Serengeti


Serengeti National Park is home to over 500 species of birds - some like buzzards are commonly seen in other parts of the world. Other birds, like the secretary bird, can only be found on the African continent. No matter where you are in the park, you are sure to spot some very interesting birds - some will remind you of birds you've seen in a zoo, some have beautiful colors and others have interesting "hair styles"!

     The Wordy Explorers

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What are your favorite birds?

To be honest, neither of us have been very into birds or birding. As the days passed during our safari in Tanzania, the number of photos that we took of birds began to increase. We started to realize that there were some pretty cool birds in the Serengeti. Check out these interesting (and in some cases very beautiful) birds that we spotted in the national park - buzzards, superb starlings, Egyptian geese, storks, vultures, marabou, Marshall eagles, lilac breasted laurels, yellow billed storks, flamingos, ostriches, Ruppell's griffon vultures, long tailed starlings and secretary birds.

Do you have a favorite bird?

#WordyExplorers #africa #tanzania #arusha #mara #SerengetiNationalPark #SerengetiNP #serengeti #bird #BirdWatching #birding #safari #GameDrive #MaasaiWanderings #buzzard #SuperbStarling #EgyptianGoose #stork #vulture #marabou #MarshallEagle #LilacBreastedLaurel #YellowBilledStork #flamingo #Ostrich #RuppellsGriffonVulture #LongTailedStarling #SecretaryBird

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Notable Quote

I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. - Mary Anne Radmacher

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