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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Learn the Local Legend of Kauai's Spouting Horn

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 10/23/2022 10:06:18

Hawaii | Kauai | Poipu | Kauai South Shore | Spouting Horn Blowhole | Blowholes | Lava Tube | Tourist Attraction | Natural Phenomenon

Learn the Local Legend of Kauai's Spouting Horn


Not far from Poipu on the southern shore of the Hawaiian island of Kauai is the well known Spouting Horn blowhole. It's a place that vacationers to the islands never tire of ... most visiting time and time again. The ocean waters regularly fill an underwater natural lava tube which, when it releases, spouts water as high as 50 feet up into the air.

     The Wordy Explorers

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What highly photographed sights are on your bucket list?

On the island of Kauai, we made an encore visit to the Spouting Horn Blowhole - one of the island's most photographed spots.

Fun Legend: The sound that is heard when the water shoots into the air is believed to be the "roar" of a lizard (mo'o) who is stuck in the lava tube. Legend has it that, as the guard of this area of the Kauai coast, a giant lizard would attack any person who "invaded" his territory. In order to escape, a young boy who was being chased by the lizard, dove into the sea cave (or lava tube). Of course, the lizard followed, but got stuck in the narrow tube.

Do you do research before you travel so that you are sure to see all of the popular spots?

#WordyExplorers #hawaii #kauai #poipu #blowhole #blowholes #SpoutingHorn #LocalLegend #LavaTube #SeaCave #lizard #GiantLizard #travel #OptOutdoors #OptOutside #nature

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Notable Quote

If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home. - James Michener

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