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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Get a Taste of Timanfaya National Park's Rocky Landscape

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 03/05/2025 10:40:44

Spain | Canary Islands | Lanzarote | Mancha Blanca | Timanfaya National Park | Camel Farm | Volcano | Lava | Landscape | History | Devil

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Timanfaya National Park makes just about every "must see list" for Spain's island of Lanzarote. While there is an entrance fee charged to explore the park, those who have limited time or want to avoid fees can make a trip to the Visitor's Center and see the Camel Farm. Both of these stops are in Mancha Blanca, just outside of the national park's pay area. In addition to an indoor center full of displays that tell the history of the area and the volcanos, there's a walkway that takes you out to have a closer look at the rocky landscape.

     The Wordy Explorers

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We made a brief stop at the Camel Farm located just outside of Timanfaya National Park before exploring the Visitor's Center. We learned a little history inside before walking along the outdoor pathways to see the landscape up close.

According to legend, a young couple was married on the day of a major volcanic eruption which killed the bride. Overcome with grief at the loss of his wife, the groom turned into a devil!

#WordyExplorers #spain #CanaryIslands #lanzarote #TimanfayaNationalPark #CamelFarm #volcano #lava #CamelFarm #landscape #VolcanicLandscape #RockyLandscape #cruise #CruiseVacation #transatlantic #DayTrip #DIYLanzarote #devil #legend

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Notable Quote

Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling. - Margaret Lee Runbeck

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