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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Climbers are Rewarded with a Rooftop View of Valencia

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 02/20/2023 10:15:21

Spain | Valencia | Turia River | Old Town | Walled City | Defensive Wall | Torres De Serranos | Gothic Architecture | Climb | Viewpoint

Climbers are Rewarded with a Rooftop View of Valencia


Greetings from Up High in Valencia!

For almost 500 years, getting inside the "Old Town" of Valencia required passing through one of twelve gates in the defensive wall that surrounded the city. Although the walls were torn down in 1865, the Torres De Serranos gate was left standing. Originally built in the late 14th century, Torres De Serranos was one of Valencia's busiest gates due to its location near the Turia River. Today, visitors can climb the stairs to reach the towers of the gothic style gate for a view from above!

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

Would you climb stairs for a great city view?

We did just that in Valencia and would definitely recommend it! The Torres de Serranos is one of the remaining gates from the defensive wall that surrounded Valencia's Old Town until 1865. Today, in addition to being used for special city events, visitors can climb to the top for views of the city from many different angles.

Have you climbed Torres de Serranos?

#WordyExplorers #spain #espana #valencia #ValenciaSpain #ValenciaEspana #TuriaRiver #TorresDeSerranos #WalledCity #CityGate #climb #Viewpoint #cityscape #architecture #gothic #GothicArchitecture #LoveToTravel

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Notable Quote

Men in a ship are always looking up, and men ashore are usually looking down. - John Masefield

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