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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Old, New and Retro, Find Amazing Signs Along Route 66

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 06/05/2022 10:44:10

Oklahoma | Tulsa | Route 66 | Mother Road | Road Trip | Art | Sculpture | Route 66 Rising | Route 66 Signs | Roadside Attraction

Old, New and Retro, Find Amazing Signs Along Route 66


Officially dedicated in July 2019, the "Route 66 Rising" sculpture is located in the green space of Tulsa's Avery Traffic Circle (Mingo Road and Admiral Place - formerly Route 66). The site was formerly home to the Route 66 Motor Court complete with a gas station, restaurant and cabins.

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

Where have you seen a cool roadside sign lately?

We had read about the "Route 66 Rising" sign that was revealed in mid-2019. Before leaving Tulsa and the "Mother Road", we made a stop to take a look. Since it is in the middle of a roundabout and surrounded by wires, photos aren't very good. You'd think someone would have planned the placement a little better!

Have you seen any interesting signs in the recent past?

#WordyExplorers #oklahoma #tulsa #TulsaOK #TulsaOklahoma #Route66 #MotherRoad #RoadTrip #RoadsideAttraction #art #sculpture #travel #TheRoadLessTraveled #trlt #TravelBlog #TravelCouple #RoadTripUSA #RoadTripAmerica

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Notable Quote

Travel teaches toleration. - Benhamin Disraeli

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