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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Experience Victoria Falls on a Walking Tour

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 12/04/2023 10:12:15

Zimbabwe | Zambia | Zambezi River | Victoria Falls National Park | Victoria Falls | Mosi oa-Tunya | The Smoke that Thunders | Waterfall | Largest Waterfall | Devil's Cataract | Rainbow Falls | Horseshoe Falls | Livingstone

Experience Victoria Falls on a Walking Tour


One of the best ways to see Victoria Falls is to stroll along the trails inside Victoria Falls National Park on the Zimbabwean side. Coming in at under one mile in length, your walk will bring you to viewpoints where you will see Devil's Cataract, Rainbow Falls, Horseshoe Falls and, of course, a view of the Main Falls. As the trail nears its end, you'll also catch a view of the bridge which connects Zimbabwe to Zambia. In about two hours (including plenty of time for photographs), you'll experience the waterfall - but be prepared to get wet ... and depending on the time of year ... VERY WET!

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

What is your favorite waterfall?

We have now seen three of the four waterfalls around the world that make most lists of the "biggest waterfalls". A two-hour walking tour led by a Wild Horizons guide took us through parts of the Victoria Falls National Park rainforest. We did more pausing and staring in awe at the falls than actually walking. Even though we weren't visiting when the falls were at their fullest, we definitely made use of the raincoats that we were provided!

Do you have a favorite waterfall?

#WordyExplorers #africa #zimbabwe #zambia #VictoriaFalls #VicFalls #VictoriaFallsNationalPark #ZambeziRiver #DevilsCataract #RainbowFalls #HorseshoeFalls #safari #waterfall #waterfalls #WildHorizons #WalkingTour #GetWet

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Notable Quote

Travel is never a matter of money but of courage. - Paolo Coelho

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