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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Bayonne's Teardrop Memorial to Victims of 9-11 Tragedy

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 08/20/2023 10:21:01

New Jersey | New York Harbor | Bayonne | Cape Liberty | Newark Airport | Harbor View Park | Teardrop Memorial | 9-11 Memorial

Bayonne's Teardrop Memorial to Victims of 9-11 Tragedy


Like so many others, Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli was moved by the heartache following the 9-11 tragedy. He envisioned a memorial with a teardrop that would honor the many victims of the terrorist attacks. Bayonne, New Jersey was chosen as a fitting location for the memorial due to its view of and proximity to New York City as well as the city's role immediately following the tragedy. A large stainless steel teardrop within the memorial is said to represent both sadness and hope.

     The Wordy Explorers

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Which of the many memorials honoring the victims and heroes of the 9-11 tragedy have you seen?

Our RV traveling throughout the United States has given us the opportunity to make both day and side trips to see a number of 9-11 memorials. This one came as a surprise, as we didn't do any research about the port city of Bayonne, New Jersey. We were already on a cruise ship bringing us to Bermuda when we saw it from above. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to disembark so we could actually see the teardrop hanging in the memorial.

Have you seen this (or any other) 9-11 memorial?

#WordyExplorers #NewJersey #nj #njSpots #bayonne #BayonneNJ #CapeLiberty #HarborViewPark #NewYorkHarbor #NYHarbor #911Memorial #TeardropMemorial #memorials #teardrop #911 #911NeverForget #NewJerseyArt

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Notable Quote

Travel far enough, you meet yourself. - David Mitchell

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