Just outside of Austin in the suburb of Leander, Texas hikers can find three toed dinosaur
footprints embedded in the rock of a river bed. The footprints are estimated to be over 100
million years old. Based on their shape, they are thought to be tracks left by an
Acrocanthosaurus ("high spined lizard" in Greek). Although the animal would have been quite
large, the feet of an Acrocanthosaurus are small compared to similar sized dinosaurs. Their
smaller foot size was likely because they lived in a drier climate and did not need a large
surface area to keep them from sinking in mud.
The Wordy Explorers
Social Media Description
Check out these tracks thought to be those of an Acrocanthosaurus ... you too can find them by
hiking a short distance from a highway in Leander, Texas (just northwest of Austin).
#WordyExplorers #dinosaurs #dinosaur #leander #austin #hiking
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Notable Quote
Remember that happiness is a way of travel - not a destination. - Roy M. Goodman