A relative to both stingrays and manta rays, cownose rays are typically found in shallower coastal waters. Many of the rays that people see in the Gulf of Mexico traveling between Florida's west coast and Mexico's Yucatan are likely cownose rays. When the tip of a cownose ray's wing pokes through the ocean surface, it can be mistaken for a shark fin!
The Wordy Explorers
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On one of our many walks along the beach that is right across the street from Sky High Beach Vibes, we spotted this squadron of rays swimming back and forth along the shore - what an awesome sight to see!
If you're twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel - as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them - wherever you go. - Anthony Bourdain
#WordyExplorers #SkyHighBeachVibes #GulfCoast #EmeraldCoast #pcb #PanamaCityBeach #PanamaCityBeachFlorida #PanamaCityBeachFL #GulfView #BeachView #VacationRental #VacationCondo #florida #beach #BeachVacation #BeachVacationRentals #WhiteSand #WhiteSandBeach #LaketownWharf #LaketownWharfResort #CownoseRay #MantaRay #stingray #SeaLife #BeachStroll