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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Surf, Surfing Lessons or Just Watch at Ngarunui Beach

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 05/15/2023 10:13:18

New Zealand | Tasman Sea | Waikato | Raglan | Ngarunui Beach | Beach | Black Sand Beach | Surf | Surfing | Surfing Lessons | Picnic

Surf, Surfing Lessons or Just Watch at Ngarunui Beach


Located in the town of Raglan on the west coast of New Zealand's North Island, a beach day at Ngarunui Beach is fun for all. There is no entrance fee or charge for parking at this black sand beach just a couple hours drive from Auckland. Prepare yourself for a bit of a hike to the sand, but if you are a surfer, want to take surf lessons or just plain watch, it's worth the walk! Traveling without your board? No problem. You'll find boards (and wetsuits) available for rent.

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

Do you have any experience with riding the waves?

We didn't make it down to the black(ish) sand because we were short on time, but we sure had fun watching the stand-up paddle boarders and surfers. Brought back memories of our surf lessons almost 17 years ago. Let's just say we do better at watching than at surfing!

Are you a surfer (or have you ever taken lessons)?

#WordyExplorers #NewZealand #TasmanSea #waikato #raglan #NgarunuiBeach #beach #BeachDay #BlackSand #BlackSandBeach #surf #surfing #sup #PaddleBoard #SurfSunday #SundaySurfing #RideTheWaves

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I travel not to cross countries off a list, but to ignite passionate affairs with destinations. - Nyssa P. Chopra

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