Where is your favorite public garden?
We loved our walk through both the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden (and neighboring park) found in Vancouver's Chinatown. We've now visited two of the three worldwide Ming Dynasty style Gardens located in places other than China.
Fun fact: The Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park is a free alternative to its next door neighbor. Although you can't walk along the covered walkways nor get up close to the larger pavilions, you can get a distant view and save a little money on entrance fees!
Do you have a favorite garden?
#WordyExplorers #canada #BritishColumbia #bc #Vancouver #VancouverBC #VancouverCanada #Chinatown #DrSunYatSenGarden #SunYatSen #SunYatSenGarden #MingDynastyGarden #garden #ChineseGarden #CityBreak
We loved our walk through both the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden (and neighboring park) found in Vancouver's Chinatown. We've now visited two of the three worldwide Ming Dynasty style Gardens located in places other than China.
Fun fact: The Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park is a free alternative to its next door neighbor. Although you can't walk along the covered walkways nor get up close to the larger pavilions, you can get a distant view and save a little money on entrance fees!
Do you have a favorite garden?
#WordyExplorers #canada #BritishColumbia #bc #Vancouver #VancouverBC #VancouverCanada #Chinatown #DrSunYatSenGarden #SunYatSen #SunYatSenGarden #MingDynastyGarden #garden #ChineseGarden #CityBreak