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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Until Next Time, Symphony of the Seas!

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 01/12/2022 09:42:47

Florida | Miami | Port of Miami | Royal Caribbean | Symphony of the Seas | Oasis Class | Largest Cruise Ship

Until Next Time, Symphony of the Seas!


Docked at Perfect Day at CoCoCay in the Bahamas, the Symphony of the Seas is currently the largest cruise ship in the world. This Oasis-class ship went into service in March 2018 and is owned by Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. In addition to the amenities that passengers have come to expect on all cruise ships, she also has surprises in store for new passengers!

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

What cruise itineraries would you suggest?

Although leaving the ship was bittersweet, it's time to plan a future cruise! Now that we are officially off of the Symphony of the Seas, we will be trying to plan not one, but two future cruises! We purchased two Next Cruise certificates and will be busily deciding where we want to go. Our first thought is a Mediterranean cruise (hopefully including some islands that we haven't previously visited), but we would love to hear your suggestions!

What future cruise recommendations do you have for us?

#WordyExplorers #RoyalCaribbean #cruise #FutureCruise #NextCruise #CruisePlanning #WhereToNext #LoyalToRoyal #TheROYALComeback #SymphonyOfTheSeas #OasisClass #LargestCruiseShip #NeedSuggestions #WantYourIdeas #cruising #CruiseItinerary

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Notable Quote

Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow. - Anita Desai

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