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--- Postcard From The Wordy Explorers ---

Discover an Underwater Paradise Off the Tahitian Coast

avatar   Stacy

Posted On 06/16/2023 10:08:48

French Polynesia | South Pacific | Tahiti | Papeete | Snorkel | Snorkeling | Tropical Fish | Sea Cucumber | Octopus | Coral

Discover an Underwater Paradise Off the Tahitian Coast


Don't forget your underwater camera if you plan to snorkel in the waters surrounding the islands of French Polynesia. Cruise ships visiting the South Pacific during a transpacific crossing most often spend a day at Papeete on the island of Tahiti. Bora Bora and Moorea are other favorite islands for snorkeling. The clear waters are full of coral and tropical fish in so many colors and sizes. If you're lucky, you may even experience an encounter with an octopus, stingray or turtle!

     The Wordy Explorers

Social Media Description

Where is your favorite snorkeling or diving spot?

Of all the places where we have snorkeled, our favorites (so far) have been in French Polynesia. Our first stay in the area was for 10 days, and although we only had 1 day during our transpacific cruise, we knew that we wanted to snorkel again!

The onboard excursion credit that we received would pay for part of a shore excursion offered by the ship, so we decided to go that route. Even though we hit some rain on the way to our snorkeling spot, the water was clear and we loved seeing an octopus among other sea creatures!

Do you have a favorite place to snorkel?

#WordyExplorers #SouthPacific #tahiti #FrenchPolynesia #papeete #snorkel #snorkeling #SnorkelTrip #ShoreExcursion #SeaCreatures #underwater #UnderwaterLife #SeaLife #octopus #PrincessCruises #ILoveThisBoat #ComeFeelTheLove

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Notable Quote

I need the Sea because it teaches me. - Pablo Neruda

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